Marston VC wrote:People were afraid that removing the soft cap entirely would "unbalance everything" because the "no-lifers would skyrocket past everyone" But here is my argument for why that is complete BS, and that the soft cap is just in place to appease the people who are afraid of getting behind.
First off id like to explain how the current soft cap works since many people dont seem to understand it.....
Currently, if you haven't hit your sp cap yet, your SP is based off of two things, Time played in game (1 sp per second), and total WP gained (1 Sp per WP). Once you hit your SP cap the time factor is removed and the only thing that you get SP for is WP.
Right now the soft cap is set at a max of 1000, meaning every WP you earn over a thousand in any match is wasted because only the first 1000 WP count. This is a flawed mechanic because of how it subconsciously gets most players to migrate over to ambush towards the end of the week. The reason for that being because of how an ambush usually only takes between 7 to 10 minutes to complete, where a skirmish takes between 20 min to 30 min. This means that someone who plays ambush is going to make more SP per hour then someone who plays skirmish because of how much of someones WP are wasted per match on skirmish.
So basically we have a system that makes it more profitable to play ambush all day as apposed to playing skirmish because of the imbalances made by the current soft cap. So here are two simple solutions to the problem.
1.) remove the soft cap entirely, this will reward each player with the full amount of SP they deserve based on how many WP they make after they hit there soft cap. IF someone makes 3000 WP in skirmish shouldn't they deserve a little more then 1000 SP??? just my opinion but that sounds pretty fair to me.
2.) increase the soft cap on skirmish only to something like 2000, or 2500. This gives real incentive to play skirmish because now your making as much SP per hour as someone who plays ambush, but your also having the ability to make more isk, and play something with a little more substance.
Both options in my opinion are viable, and would not break the game at all. How will letting us "no-lifers" make a few thousand more SP per hour after our cap let us skyrocket ahead??? i mean lets be honest here, were already ahead and getting a little more ahead isn't going to change much. The only thing this would really change is the revival of skirmish as a viable SP grinder, because right now its just a novelty mode that people play to break up the drag of playing ambush all day long.